Dear Family,
This Sabbath is part two of our series entitled “Restoring the
Portraits of Jesus.”
Last week, we delved into how Jesus was the Creator of the World
and how Jesus was the Word Incarnate. We focused on S –
Spending time in the Word helps us develop a relationship with
Jesus; O – Our lives were created for a purpose; and W – the Word
must become real in our lives.
Today, we explore John 2 and the Wedding at Cana. Let me ask:
What happens when our best plans do not turn out as we
intended? Can Jesus still intervene and save the day? I wish I
could say that the answers are easy and straightforward. They
may not be the answers that we are hoping for. Let’s explore how
Jesus can be the “Miracle Maker” regardless of how things turn
In prayer – Pastor Manny