It was only two months ago in August 2020 that the LLFC Pathfinder Leadership Team met via Zoom to discuss how to open the upcoming 2020-21 new year because of the current pandemic. We all were still getting use to Zoom and the other online platforms so the idea of transitioning to actually running a pathfinder club online was new to all and daunting. Our local Southeastern California conference had provided guidance that no in-person club meetings were to occur until December 2020. So when discussions on how this could be accomplished, all the local clubs were in the same boat specially a club that typically gets over 70 registered Pathfinders each year! This was going to be tough.
"He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name. Psalms 23:3 NLT"
This post and future posts on this section will track our leadership team's efforts during this process. Lets go!
Klyde Layon, LLFC Pathfinder Director