Dear Family,
Do you remember when we projected the songs and powerpoint
on the wall? It was difficult to see what was being shown. Our media
team recommended for us to convert to a video wall. It met some
resistance with the cost, but could you imagine going back to that?
Our video wall helped transform the way we do worship.
Similarly, the gospel helps transform a person’s life. But for
transformation to happen, one must make a choice, create a set
of plans, and carry through with actions. They may meet some
resistance, but at the end, the results make all the efforts worth it.
As we launch our evangelism for children, I am so excited to
see how our team put together the plans and carry through the
actions needed to reach the hearts of our children and those
in the community. This event helps transform children’s lives
as they learn about the love of Jesus. One can help by praying,
inviting, volunteering, or financially supporting this ministry. The
colored envelopes will be collected during children’s story to help
support this ministry. Together, we become instruments of God’s
transforming power!
Pastor Manny