Dear Family,
It’s easy to thrive when things are going well, but can we
thrive during difficult times? During the past two weeks, as
we watched the fires around us, I asked myself, “How would I
react if I was in that situation?” Would I be angry, frustrated,
or disappointed in God? These feelings are normal when
encountering events of epic trauma and loss.
Naomi felt such a loss, that she changed her name to “Mara,”
which means bitter. However, as we look at Naomi's life, we
know that the story went from bitter to better. What can we
learn as we look at the book of Ruth?
Regardless of the journey you have been on, my prayer is
that her story can provide you with hope and assurance that
we can Thrive in the midst of Mara.
Let us continue to trust in Him,
Pastor Manny