Lesson # 7 – Covenant at Sinai
Greetings! Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ (Eph. 5:2). We praise God for the successful re-opening of in-person divine worship service last Sabbath and that we will continue to do so. The Sabbath School program will still be pre-recorded and broadcasted on YouTube and the live lesson discussion will be done on Zoom and live-streamed on YouTube. These will be projected on screen at the gymnasium. This Sabbath, the discussion of Sabbath School lesson 7 titled Covenant at Sinai will be facilitated by the Health and Temperance Ministries headed by Gina Siapco.
We encourage you to join us for the sabbath school discussion live on Zoom Meeting ID: 967 9819 7824 Passcode: llfc2021