Dear Family,
What an uplifting and amazing three weeks it has been, as we journeyed
together through the Revelation of Love. We are so thankful to God for
those who put in the time, energy, and effort to help and attend. A huge
kudos to our Full Circle Bible Team who prepared the ground for our
evangelism efforts. The first point of contact was with our security and
greeters who secured our premises and welcomed us in. Our faithful
registration team accounted for everyone who attended. The hospitality
teams provided a delicious supper every evening. What about our praise
and programming members who coordinated our wonderful praise,
special music, and appeal? Let us not forget our audio-visual, graphics,
and live streaming that allowed our service to be clearly heard and
viewed online. And do not forget our Children’s Ministry team faithfully
sharing Jesus’ love to the kids who came. Finally, we praise God for His
servant Pastor David Machado who He used to impart His message
in a way that moved our hearts and spirit. His message today is, “The
Churches Greatest Need.” Thank you everyone for fulfilling Jesus’
mandate to go and make disciples.
Working together,
Pastor Manny