LLFC Bulletin 5/11/24

“The world needs mothers who are mothers not merely in
name but in every sense of the word. We may safely say that the
distinctive duties of women are more sacred, more holy than
those of men. Let women realize the sacredness of her work and
in the strength and fear of God take up her life mission. Let her
educate her children for usefulness in this world and for a home
in the better world. (AH 231.1)

Mothers, awake to the fact that your influence and example are
affecting the character and destiny of your children; and in view
of your responsibility, develop a well-balanced mind and a pure
character, reflecting only the true, the good, and the beautiful (AH

Above are words of Ellen White counsels about the importance
of mothers who we are celebrating today. Listen to the
reflections of two mothers in our church - Ghinette Aguilar &
Eppie Manalo. We thank them and all mothers for their inspiring
influence in our lives today especially on Mother’s Day. We love
each of you!

Pastor Dan Belonio

Download LLFC Bulletin May 11, 2024

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