LLFC Bulletin 5/18/24

Greetings filled with joy and hope on this World Adventurer’s Day!

Today, we come together acknowledging our Children and Adventurers. Did
you know that we have 30 Adventurers attending LLFC’s club? We also have
6 volunteers nurturing and teaching them. In Children’s Sabbath school we
have about 20 attending regularly and 17 Sabbath school volunteers pouring
into our kids. We appreciate Lyn Fletcher, our Adventurer Director; Janice
Aprecio, our Children’s Ministry Leader; and each of our volunteers for
coordinating opportunities for our kids to encounter Jesus.

Psalm 78 talks about generational stories and the legacy that we pass on to
our kids. The greatest thing we can inherit is the opportunity to invite Jesus
into our hearts and grow in relationship with Him and each other.
Our theme today is “Jesus: Pass it on!” As we focus on the stories of how
Jesus is passed on in our families, may you hear Jesus encouraging your
family, may you trust the promise that Jesus has you and your family covered,
and may you know that Jesus is the legacy that is passed on generation to

-Pastor Gisella

Download LLFC Bulletin May 18 2024

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